Glass apparatus

Calcimeter by Scheibler
Calcimeter standard with 5 measuring points
Microkjeldahl device
Macrokjeldahl device
Device for the destruction by Kjeldahl
Apparatus for the determination of alcohol in blood
Device for the analysis of oxygen
Device for colorimetric determination of oxygen
Apparatus for the analysis of oxygen by Orsat-Fischer in a wooden box with PTFE taps
Apparatus for gas analysis by Orsat-Klein in a wooden box with PTFE taps, complete with hoses
Device by Bergman Junk
Device by Widmark
Apparatus for amalgams
Apparatus for the determination of cyanide
Apparatus for the determination of arsenic
Apparatus for testing the smell of LPG
Apparatus for testing the tightness of LPG
Apparatus for the distillation of ethanol
Apparatus for volatile acids in wine
Apparatus for the extraction by gas
Apparatus for sedimentation by Andreasen
Distillation apparatus
Apparatus for redistillation
Apparatus for the extraction by Twisselmannu
Device for the extraction by Clavengeru
Device for the extraction by Unger
Device for the extraction by Soxhlet
Device for the determination of water by Dean Stark
Device by Zhukov
Device for determining SO2
Device for determination of water absorption
Device Kunderna Danish
Device for the extraction of vegetable fat